Melisa Saygin, Robert Kolejin 75 yili askin süredir basilan resmi gazetesi Bosphorus Chroniclein bas editörlügünü ya¬parken, ekonomi dergisi The Boss ve bilim dergisi King-dom Roberteanin da bas editörlügü ve tasarim editörlügünü yapmaktadir.
Melisa Saygin is the editor-in-chief of the Bosphorus Chronic- le, that is the official newspaper of
Robert College; she also pursues being editor-in-chief and layout editör at the economy magazine The Boss and Science magazine Kingdom Rober- tea.
Türkçe ve Ingilizce siirlerin birlesimi olan Komplikasyon Akademisi, sorunlarin ve absürt düsüncelerin edebi bir yan¬simasidir.
Academy of Complication is a compilation of Turkish and English poems that reflect various problems and absurdities in a literary language.
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